Primary classroom observation

KS2 lesson observation

The following videos come with detailed professional feedback, teacher lesson plans, and question prompts* to enable schools to deliver low cost, high impact training sessions.

Year 3 Science

Topic: Investigating Healthy Bodies
After discussing what makes a fair test in the classroom, the children venture outside to conduct their own practical experiments using a carousel of activities. Watch preview

Year 3 Science

Topic: Forces
This lesson was prompted by assessed misconceptions in the class relating to the topic of forces. Watch preview

Year 3 Topic

Topic: The Romans: Gladiators
They learn more about gladiators lives and consider what would make the perfect gladiator. Watch a preview

Year 4 Literacy

Topic: Dragons: writing a setting description
This lesson the topic is dragons and the class are looking at stories about imagined worlds. Watch preview

Year 4 Maths

Topic: 6 Times Table
This lesson is one of a series, in which children prepare for a real charity fundraising sale. Watch preview

Year 4 Philosophy

Topic: What does it mean to be beautiful?
In this Philosophy class children look at the definition of beauty and what it means to different people. Watch a preview

Year 4 Science

Topic: Forces, making a prediction
In this lesson the class explore materials and equipment needed in order to predict the effect of friction on a variety of objects and surfaces. Watch preview

Year 4 Science

Topic: Sound
The aim of this session is to establish what children already know about sound, what misconceptions they may have, and identify gaps in their knowledge. Watch preview

Year 5 Literacy

Topic: Forming complex sentences
By using complex sentences students aim to improve the quality of their writing and make it more interesting to the reader. Watch a preview

Year 5 Literacy

Topic: Writing a conclusion
A treasure chest containing artefacts is used to stimulate children’s imagination and ideas. Watch a preview

Year 5 Maths

Topic: Negative numbers
Previously the class have looked at positive and negative numbers on a number line, and in this lesson they put this in the context of temperature. Watch preview

Year 6 English

Topic: Writing story endings using flashbacks
Video of narrative linked to memories of World War 2 are studied. Focuses on flashbacks in developing writing. Watch preview

Year 6 Literacy

Topic: Writing limericks
Students develop their own success criteria by discussing the characteristics of limericks and looking at some of Edward Lear’s work. Watch a preview

Year 6 Maths

Topic: Percentage
The topic of this year 6 set is solving percentage problems looking at increasing and decreasing figures. Watch preview

Year 6 Maths

Topic: Using pictograms to represent data
The class look at pictograms to represent data, focussing specifically on whether children can think of keys to use in their pictograms. Watch preview

Year 6 Music

Topic: African Music
Students look at different aspects of music they have studied over six weeks and bring everything they have learned together in a final musical performance. Watch a preview

Year 6 Science

Topic: Melting: interpreting results
Each of the year 6 children in this class have set up their own investigation into the melting of ice. Watch preview

Year 6 Science

Topic: Planning a fair test
This mixed ability group work in pairs and discuss ways to create a fair test and decide on what they wish to investigate. Watch preview