Observing for Impact
Training materials aligned to the 2024 Ofsted Inspection Handbook
Each activity is supported by a downloadable PowerPoint of a few slides that will guide you through self-directed activity. The two webpages Purposes of observation, and Managing the observation process set the context for these training activities.
Activity 1 and 2 Using classroom observations for leadership evaluation of school performance
Activity 3 Triangulation of evidence
Activity 4 and 5 Using classroom observation to evaluate the effectiveness of school improvement
Activity 6 and 7 Defining the baseline and progress towards outcomes for school improvement issues to focus classroom observation
Activity 8 Who needs to know the outcomes of classroom observations?
Activity 9 and 10 Leadership Evaluation – Deeper understanding of the current quality of learning and teaching
Activity 11 Exploring the context of a lesson to enhance classroom observation
Activity 12 Selecting the area of focus in classroom observation
Activity 13 Structuring the post-observation conversations with the teacher
Activity 14,15 and 16 Agreement of observation protocols so that all staff understand the process
Activity 17 and 18 Defining different observation models for different purposes
Activity 19 How do the school models comply with current legislation and guidance?
Activity 20 and 21 How is the observation process led and managed to give staff confidence in its equality, consistency and robustness?
Activity 22 How do the school’s observation models generate appropriate evidence for Ofsted inspection?
Activity 23 What training has there been for observers, how are they supported and moderated?
Activity 24 How are the outcomes shared with staff and relevant stakeholders?
How are the outcomes used to identify further development needs and how are these also shared with staff and relevant stakeholders?
Activity 3 Triangulation of evidence
Activity 4 and 5 Using classroom observation to evaluate the effectiveness of school improvement
Activity 6 and 7 Defining the baseline and progress towards outcomes for school improvement issues to focus classroom observation
Activity 8 Who needs to know the outcomes of classroom observations?
Activity 9 and 10 Leadership Evaluation – Deeper understanding of the current quality of learning and teaching
Activity 11 Exploring the context of a lesson to enhance classroom observation
Activity 12 Selecting the area of focus in classroom observation
Activity 13 Structuring the post-observation conversations with the teacher
Activity 14,15 and 16 Agreement of observation protocols so that all staff understand the process
Activity 17 and 18 Defining different observation models for different purposes
Activity 19 How do the school models comply with current legislation and guidance?
Activity 20 and 21 How is the observation process led and managed to give staff confidence in its equality, consistency and robustness?
Activity 22 How do the school’s observation models generate appropriate evidence for Ofsted inspection?
Activity 23 What training has there been for observers, how are they supported and moderated?
Activity 24 How are the outcomes shared with staff and relevant stakeholders?
How are the outcomes used to identify further development needs and how are these also shared with staff and relevant stakeholders?