Observing for Impact

Training materials aligned to the 2024 Ofsted Inspection Handbook

Purposes of observation

What are you observing?
What outcomes are you seeking from the activity?

Purpose: Leadership Evaluation – School performance Activity 1

Outcomes: Evidence of attainment and progress for school, learner groups, in subjects etc. Activity 2


Observation evidence is unlikely to stand by itself.

What triangulation is needed? Activity 3

  • With assessment data
  • With learner’s work over time
  • By talking with learners
  • By talking with teachers or support staff

How does this evidence fit into the bigger picture?

  • How is the observation informed by assessment data?
  • How does the observation contribute to the bigger assessment picture?
  • Links to previous Pupil Progress discussions, and targets at learner, class, cohort subject or school levels

Is the observation linked to the performance review of the teacher?

  • Is the observation relevant to the teacher’s objectives or part of overall performance review?

Purpose: Leadership Evaluation – Effectiveness of school improvement Activity 4

Outcomes: Evidence for the impact of school improvement work. Activity 5


Observation evidence will depend on the clarity of focus.

What impact is being sought in the school improvement issue?

  • What improved outcomes for learners?
  • What improved skills in learners?
  • What new or refined strategies by adults?
  • What new or refined use of resources?
    Activity 6

What triangulation is needed?

  • With assessment data
  • With learner’s work over time
  • By talking with learners
  • By talking with teachers or support staff

How does this evidence fit into the bigger picture?

  • What was the starting point or baseline for the improvement issue?
  • What is the overall goal or outcomes sought in the improvement issue?
  • What does this evidence tell you about progress towards the overall goals?

Who needs to know the outcome of these observations?

  • Who needs to celebrate the progress that is being achieved?
  • What are the current priorities / next steps and who needs to share these?
    Activity 7

Purpose: Leadership Evaluation – Deeper understanding of the current quality of learning and teaching Activity 8

Outcomes: Evidence of the quality of learning and teaching to form the basis for further improvement. Activity 9


A single lesson observation will only provide limited evidence as a ‘snapshot’ of longer term qualities

What is the context of this lesson – how does it fit into the larger sequence of lessons?

  • What has been achieved so far and what are the learning goals for the whole sequence of lessons?
  • What contribution to the overall progress of learners is intended in this lesson?
  • How can you best find this out from the teacher before the observation?
    Activity 10

What particular qualities of learning and teaching are in focus?

  • Is the focus on a specific group of learners, e.g. low ability learners?
  • Is the focus on a specific learning issue, e.g. independence?
  • Is the focus on a specific teaching strategy, e.g. group working?
    Activity 11

What triangulation is needed?

  • With assessment data
  • With learner’s work over time
  • By talking with learners
  • By talking with teachers or support staff

What type of conversation do you need with the teacher after the observation to generate ideas for next steps and further improvement of impact?

  • Do you need to ‘tell’ the teacher what to improve or how to improve?
  • How can you get the teacher to clarify the learners’ next goals?
  • How can you get the teacher to identify his/her own next development steps to help learners achieve those goals?

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