The benefit of filmed lesson observations

Carly, a drama teacher from Aquinas College talks about the benefits of watching filmed lesson observation for CPD.

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What Carly said:

You can learn from watching teachers from any subject teach

She recently watched a Mediamerge A-Level Biology Lesson, a subject she is not familiar with, in order to look at teaching strategies used. This highlights the fact that you do not need to watch an observation in your own subject to reflect and learn from what you see, and, in fact, it might be even more beneficial as you focus on the teaching and learning rather than on the topic.

With video, you can step back and see elements of lesson very clearly

She explains that when you are doing a peer observation, you sit in the classroom, and take in the whole atmosphere, almost feeling like a student yourself. With a recording, you have the benefit of stepping back and observing key elements of the lesson such as the starter, the body, differentiation and other elements of the lesson very clearly.

You can be more objective in your observation when not watching a colleague

Carly thinks that not having a personal connection with the person in the video means you can be more honest in your assessment of the lesson. In a live lesson, you are more supportive, both in your feedback and in the body language you use, using positive body language such as as the ‘enthusiastic nod’ and ‘supportive face’. With a video of someone you don’t know, you are free to focus on your feedback, writing down the good things, areas for improvement, and be more objective generally.

You can reflect on what others do and improve your own practice

It prompts you to reflect on your own teaching says Carly, because you can see elements of yourself in that teacher in the video, the things they do, and things they, or you, may need to improve on. You can also discuss what you have seen with colleagues and self-reflect, making it a powerful tool for self-development.

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