
Department of Education Training Inspectorate (ETI) in Northern Ireland


We are delighted to be supporting a new and exciting national capacity building initiative from the Department of Education Training Inspectorate (ETI) in Northern Ireland.

The ETI are using Mediamerge’s lesson observations to work alongside schools and organisations with a particular focus on sustainable capacity-building of leaders and teachers in the key area of self-evaluation, in order to improve the educational provision and attainment of all pupils/learners.

“ETI inspectors have delivered an innovative and extremely well-received Empowering Improvement – Stepping Forward Together project to just under 1300 middle and senior leaders across early years settings, primary, post-primary and special schools and EOTAS settings.

The project sessions were delivered virtually by inspectors to small groups of middle leaders and focused on whole-school self-evaluation and self-evaluation of learning and teaching.

The sessions for post-primary, early years and special schools have mostly completed and the primary are ongoing at the moment! So far it all has gone very well and the teachers have especially liked the debate and discussion generated through our use of Mediamerge video clips across the phases.”

Barry O’Rourke, Assistant Chief Inspector
Department of Education Training Inspectorate

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