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Secondary lesson observation
The following videos include detailed professional feedback, teacher lesson plans, and question prompts* to enable schools to deliver low cost, high impact training sessions.
The videos work really well when we deliver our Observation Standardisation Training Events. They are a great tool for highlighting strengths and areas for development in teaching practice and lift the theory into a realistic environment.
Ruth Gilbody, teaching and learning leader
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Year 7 French
Topic: Using à accurately
In this lesson students learn to be able to use à accurately. The context of the lesson is talking about places in town. Watch a preview
Year 7 Maths
Topic: Notation and labelling conventions
Lesson 1 of 5 aiming to consolidate and extend students’ ability to apply properties of 2-D shapes to solve problems. Watch a preview
Year 7 Spanish
Topic: Activities and percentages
Students learn to say how often they do an activity, understand sentences about free time and produce sentences of their own. Watch a preview
Year 8 Science
Topic: Atoms and Elements
Students learn about atoms, elements, compounds and mixtures. Watch a preview
Year 9 French
Topic: Names for body parts
Students revise the verb ‘avoir’ and learn parts of the body in order to say if they hurt. Watch preview
Year 9 ICT
Topic: Creating a building in Google SketchUp
Students design buildings starting with a 2D model from which a 3D working model is created. Watch a preview
Year 9 Music
Topic: Layering music
Students layer a baseline, chord sequence and melody over a drumbeat. Watch preview
Year 10 Citizenship
Topic: Writing the News
Students are put into the role of BBC News reporters and work in groups to develop and present stories to the class. Watch preview
Year 10 Spanish
Topic: Talking about going on holiday
Students learn how to talk about going on holiday. Watch a preview
Year 10 Drama
Topic: Developing performance work from a stimulus
This lesson is focussed on the key skills in Drama of strategies, mediums and elements. Watch a preview
Year 10 Maths
Topic: Simultaneous equations
Students explore how to solve linear equations, simultaneous equations using elimination and modify equations to allow for elimination method of solving. Watch preview
Year 10 Media Studies
Topic: Researching target audience
Learners are working towards either making a music magazine or video. Watch a preview